Academic Leadership Program
Program Overview
Academic Leadership capacity building program introduces participants to various leadership styles, enables in-depth dialogue on purpose of education, working within the higher education system & its components related to institutional development plan and concept of student centricity and multidisciplinary learning approach.
Program Content
The program intends to strengthen vision and nudge education towards its purpose of creating holistic, fear free & creative individuals. The program includes a two-day outdoor experiential learning at High Places introducing participatory leadership styles, when working with people. The sessions at MSFDA are mainly reflective exercises to understand purpose of education, linking education to concept of leadership and different leadership styles in the context of educational system. Further, it includes deliberations on multidisciplinary approach to education as envisioned by NEP 2020, student centricity for holistic development, institutional development plan (IDP), types of IDPs and constructing one’s own IDP.
Knowledge Partner
Maharashtra State Faculty Development Academy (MSFDA) is established by Government of Maharashtra under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013 with a vision to transform higher educational landscape, through continuous professional development of teachers in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) of Maharashtra. MSFDA engages in faculty capacity building based on key principles and approaches emanating from NEP 2020, which include experiential learning, creativity and innovation, learning beyond knowledge, multidisciplinary education, scientific and rational thinking, diversity and inclusion and networking with practitioners, expert institutions, HEIs.

Duration: 5-days
Mode: Face-to-Face;
Eligibility: Open to Principals, IQAC directors and senior level teachers
Registration Fees: ₹1000 per college (non-refundable)
Get in touch
Center for Leadership Development
Email: harshada.b@msfda.ac.in
Call: 7391000722