(Colors of Mind)
Program Overview
Manasrang is a three-year, peer-to-peer institutional model program for colleges from across Maharashtra with the purpose of prioritizing emotional health and well-being of all especially students. A team of five to seven students and representative teachers (manas-mitras) from a college undergo a capacity building process as a foundation to setting up a ‘manasrang club’ in their campus. The manas-mitras take initiative at organising events/campaigns in their college, provide first-aid support to fellow students and connect them to online support and counseling services initiated by Parivartan trust (as part of manasrang).
Program Content
The programme involves two-day capacity building every academic semester along with institution-based handholding support and follow workshop. The capacity building introduces manas-mitras to various emotional health concerns experienced especially by young people. It enables participants appreciate the need for recognising and accepting mental health as an important aspect that can be addressed rather considering it a ‘taboo’. By the end of the program, participants prepare a plan of activities and events that they will initiate at the college-level through the Manasrang Club. The focus is to create awareness related to emotional well-being, provide emotional first-aid and support young people to access emindit website for information and online counseling support.
Knowledge Partner
Parivartan Trust was established by late Dr. Narendra Dabholkar and Dr. Shaila Dabholkar in
1991. Over a period of three decades, Parivartan has evolved into an organisation pioneering in development of evidence-based models of care for people with mental health & addiction problems including young people and students.

Duration: 5-days
Mode: Face-to-Face;
Eligibility: Colleges interested in building their campus emotionally safe and healthy spaces
Registration Fees: ₹2000 per college (non-refundable)
Get in touch
Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Email: mithilesh.b@msfda.ac.in
Call: 7391000720