(Indian Knowledge Systems)
Program Overview
Navonmesha (Indian Knowledge Systems) program aims at rejuvenating, cherishing and disseminating universal values, knowledge and wisdom as presented in Sanskrit language and literature related to yoga, management, eco-balance and education system.
Program Content
The program titled ‘Yoga for Holistic Health’ introduces participant-teachers to ways of managing overall health – physical and emotional – by adopting holistic and healthy lifestyle that promotes happiness and well-being. The program titled ‘Understanding the Culture of Eco-balance’ aims at presenting a progressive synthesis between the ancient wisdom and modern scientific thought that is in harmony with the needs of the present and future.
The program titled ‘Management Concepts from Indian Knowledge Systems’ is an opportunity to understand and compare the ancient systems of management with the modern thereby building a critical understanding of theory and practice.
The program on Indian education system, aims to deep faculty members understanding of the historical evolution and philosophical foundations of Indian education. Further the program also aims at pedagogical strategies that integrate Indian wisdom with modern educational practices.
The program adopts a multidisciplinary approach, and the sessions are designed in a manner to enable open and free dialogue among the participants and with the resource persons, yoga, ‘Walk with the Scholar’, field visits, thoughtfully curated stay facility and food served during the program are some of the highlights of the program.
Knowledge Partner
Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University is unique in nature as it has a academic program focusing on a modern approach to the Indian knowledge system. It caters to traditional learning in Sanskrit like Veda, Vedanta, Vyakarana, Nyaya, Yog, Mimamsa, Dharmashastra and Sahitya etc. In addition to preserving traditional Sanskrit, it emphasizes on the study of science and technology in ancient India.

Duration: 5-days
Mode: Face-to-Face;
Eligibility: Open to teachers of all subjects from higher education
Registration Fees: ₹1000 (non-refundable)
Get in touch
Center for Multidisciplinary Curriculum & Pedagogy
Call: 7391000719